Monday, August 10, 2015

BOC Week 1: SWOT analysis of domain hosting sites

SWOT analysis of domain hosting sites
§  Strengths:
o   Monetary assistance provided
o   High profitability and revenue
o   Reduced labor costs
o   High growth rate
o   Experienced business unites
o   Existing distribution and sales networks
o   Skilled workforce

§  Weaknesses:
o   Costs
o   Future competition
o   Small business units
o   Investments in research and development
o   Tax structure

§  Opportunities:
o   Growth rates and profitability          
§  Threats:
o   Tax changes
o   Increasing rates of interest
§  Strengths:
o   Experienced business units
o   Skilled workforce

§  Weaknesses:
o   Future competition
o   Competitive market
o   Small business units
o   Costs
o   High loan rates are possible

§  Opportunities:
o   Income level is at a constant increase
o   Growth rates and profitability
o   Growing demand
o   New acquisitions
o   New markets

§  Threats:
o   Rising cost of raw materials
o   Global economy
o   Increase in labor costs
o   Tax changes

§  Strengths:
o   Domestic market
o   Reduced labor costs
o   Existing distribution and sales networks
o   Barriers of market entry
o   High profitability and revenue
o   Monetary assistance provided
o   Skilled workforce

§  Weaknesses:
o   Small business units
o   Costs
o   Tax structure

§  Opportunities
o   Growth rates and profitability
o   Growing demand

§  Threats:
o   Global economy
o   Unexpected problems

§  Strengths:
o   Experienced business units
o   High profitability and revenue

§  Weaknesses
o   High loan rates are possible
o   Tax structure
o   Investments in research and development
o   Small business units

§  Opportunities:
o   Growing demand
o   Venture capital
o   Global markets
o   Growth rates and profitability

§  Threats:
o   Increasing costs
o   External business risks
o   Tax changes

o   Financial capacity

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